Writers ToolBox

Writers ToolBox

As the writingaffiliates.com team grows, our desire is to deliver high-quality, and original work, on time. As a writer, prioritize, internalize, and actualize this in every order, be it a full dissertation or a discussion response. Most of the papers you’ll handle are nursing papers. In writing these papers you have to research extensively, write objectively, have a clear structure and flow of ideas for your paragraphs, and proofread to create a detailed and well-polished paper.

Important Writing Guidelines

In academic writing, the quality of your paper is largely determined by the research you conduct. Shallow research, which includes non-scholarly writings, blogs, and Wikipedia-like content, will make your writing simplistic and basic, indicating that you lack a deep understanding of the subject matter. On the other hand, extensive and in-depth research, which involves consulting credible sources such as journals and published material from reputable sources like ncbi.gov and Cochrane, will help you to:

  • Develop a well-informed understanding of the issue you are writing about. For example, if you read three journal articles from 2021-2022 on patient falls, you will gain a thorough understanding of the problem, the existing evidence-based practice solutions, and potential solutions. To achieve this, you need to read the abstract for a summary, note the keywords used in discussing the problem, read the introduction to understand the issue and the latest statistics, and then read the discussion and conclusion to understand the recommendations for further research.
  • Use the correct academic and clinical terminology. Credible and current sources will provide you with the correct terms to use. Instead of using vague descriptions, such as “lack of enough nurses in a hospital,” you should use precise clinical terms, such as “nursing shortages,” “reduced nursing staffing ratios,” “nursing-patient ratios,” “high turnover rates,” and “poor retention.” Remember that you are addressing instructors with Ph.Ds and over 20 years of experience, so your paper should use the correct academic and clinical terminology.
  • Achieve coherence in your writing. Coherence refers to the logical flow of ideas in your paper, and it is achieved through extensive research and reading on the topic. Lack of coherence is often caused by writing without a thorough understanding of the issue. Avoid using colloquialisms (casual writing), and ensure that you do not repeat yourself, either in words or ideas, over the course of your paper.

Finally, once you have achieved coherence in your writing, proofreading, and editing are crucial. Even the best writers need to review their work before submission to eliminate errors and improve clarity.

Below are key guidelines. The most important ones are the checklist for writers prepared by the uvocorp team, the guide on thesis statement writing (take note of the descriptive thesis), and the paragraph structure guide. Every writer is expected to read through these guidelines and make necessary adjustments.

  1. Checklist for Writers
  2. How to Make your thesis statement strong 
  3. Paragraph structure 
  4. How to structure your essay or paper 
  5. All you need to know about academic writing

Well, what does the company promise in return?

  1. A consistent flow of orders- (Eventually we will create group accounts that allow you to have your own writers). This will also you to scale and make more.
  2. Competitive salaries (CPP) are above the average, eventually.

Writing Guidelines to Use for all APA papers, Discussion Board Questions and Peer Responses

APA papers, Discussion Board Questions, and Peer Responses make up 80% of all assignments. It is essential to understand the schematics of developing a great paper, or discussion post, from the structure to the astuteness of the content. Below are guidelines on how to craft these writings to meet the needs of our clients and satisfy the growing demand for good writing. Besides, having the right structure and systems makes your work as a writer efficient and effective. Let’s dive in starting with the APA style template.

Here are APA style templates from GCU, CHAMBERLAIN, & WALDEN , the top three nursing schools in the US

  1. Chamberlain College of Nursing APA TEMPLATE
    1. APA_7th_ed_Paper_Template_graduate.REV.Aug2021907
    2. APA COURSE PAPER template with instructions on how to structure every essential part of your paper NR500NP_Week_4_APA_Paper_Template_Nov_21_1 (11)
  2. Walden University Nursing APA PAPER Template APA_Course_Paper_Template_with_Abstract_and_Advice_APA_7
  3. GCU Writing Templates and Guidelines
    1. mla-style-template-9th-edition
    2. Writing Center_Style_APA_7th_Edition_Style_Guide
    3. writing-center-style-apa-7th-edition-template-without-abstract (1)

Guide to Powerpoints

Powerpoints are guided by specific requirements and rules. In all PowerPoint assignments you do, be sure to include speaker notes.

Unless specified otherwise, use these guidelines

The 6X6 rule allows the reader to follow the presentation more easily. The presenter can include additional notes or comments in the “Notes” section. Listing too much information on the slide could make it difficult to read and cause confusion.

Here is the full guideline creating-effective-power-point-presentations

Helpful Assignment and DQ examples

Below are Examples of the most common types of papers

Read through the assignment examples and DQ examples for each level (undergraduate, graduate and doctoral)

  1. writing-center-examples-student-case-study-example
  2. writing-center-examples-student-dq-examples
  3. student-annotated
  4. MSN-Discussion Forum Guidelines and Example


Finally, keep in mind that a paper that is satisfactory will earn a “C” grade, not an “A.” Simply answering the assigned questions does not mean that the paper is worth an “A.” In academia it is commonly accepted that an “A” means the work under review is excellent, a “B” indicates that the work is good, a ”C” means that it is satisfactory, and a “D” that it is deficient in one or more aspects. A failing grade indicates that the work is not at the college level or does not fulfill the requirements of the assignment.

An excellent paper is one in which the author clearly understands the material under consideration, has articulated a convincing argument or interpretation, has provided strong and specific evidence supporting his or her argument or interpretation, stays focused on the topic, and does not include extraneous information. It contains no significant errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling, is laid out properly (font size, margins, footnotes, etc. are appropriate), and is accurate.